Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th July 2025
A two-day in-person and online workshop for health professionals
This is a two-day in-person and online workshop for health professionals who will be providing support or guidance alongside a cognitive behavioural self-help programme for eating disorders. This would be in the context of ‘guided self-help’ as recommended in the NICE guidelines as a first-step treatment for binge eating disorder and bulimia nervosa.
Focused on developing competence in delivering the guidance within the context of Guided Self-Help, the workshop will include experiential elements with a particular focus on developing practical skills. Designed to complement the printed programme Overcoming Binge Eating written by Professor Christopher Fairburn, although the training would also be relevant for other similar programmes. It will include a small group of delegates.
The first day will be online, and self-guided in your own time, and the second day will be live and in person in Oxford, UK. Please note, prior to the in-person day you will be required carry out the following online:
– watch pre-recorded online training videos, including clinical demonstrations (allocating around half a day to one full day)
– a thorough reading of Overcoming Binge Eating (allocating around half a day to one full day) – you will need to purchase or borrow your own copy
– completing an online quiz.
We advise that you watch the videos as close as possible in time to the second day of the workshop so the material is fresh in your mind. The online pre-recorded training videos will be presented by Rebecca Murphy and Emma Osborne, University of Oxford.
The in-person training day, provided by Paul Jenkins, University of Reading, is live and will take place at 09:30-14:30 GMT on the Friday 4th July. On the day we will have discussions as a group, reflect on clinical questions and participate in experiential exercises. Lunch and refreshments will be included. Please note that the in-person training cannot be attended virtually.
Elements of training
– Role of a Supporter/Guide/Facilitator within Guided Self-Help
– Preparing for and delivering support sessions
– Clinical demonstrations to illustrate key aspects
– Role play and vignette experiential exercises
– Managing challenges within Guided Self-Help
Cost: £250
Format: Format is in-person and online.
Please book early to avoid disappointment as spaces are limited.
For further details or booking information please email: