CREDO (Centre for Research on Eating Disorders at Oxford) were ‘highly commended’ for Innovation & Commercialisation at the 2024 Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for the University of Oxford

CREDO (Centre for Research on Eating Disorders at Oxford) were ‘highly commended’ for Innovation & Commercialisation at the 2024 Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for the University of Oxford. A University-wide celebration of contributions & awarded for the work undertaking research-led innovation.

CREDO’s acknowledgment:

While this award celebrates CREDO’s ongoing work since July 2021 and our current research group, it is based on work carried out together with former members of the Oxford Department of Psychiatry.

This includes major contributions from Zafra Cooper, Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology and previously co-director of CREDO, and Roz Shafran, Professor of Translational Psychology at UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, to the development of CBT-E.

Suzanne Straebler, Director, Center for Eating Disorders Partial Hospital Program, NY-Presbyterian/ Weill Cornell Medicine Research Associate in Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medical College and Assistant Professor, Columbia University Medical Center, and Kristin Bohn, Clinical Psychologist, London Centre for Eating Disorders and Body Image, made significant contributions to the development of the content of the website.

The work on therapist competence and the evaluation of training was led by Zafra Cooper. Suzanne Straebler and Zafra Cooper continue to contribute to our work disseminating CBT-E. We are grateful to our broader network of colleagues, in particular, Riccardo Dalle Grave, who have supported our efforts. Additionally, we acknowledge the crucial support from our funders, the Wellcome Trust and NIHR.


Watch a short presentation of this work here:

VC Awards Showcase 1 – The Global Dissemination of Effective Psychological Treatments – Department of Psychiatry

Zafra Cooper receives a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Academy of Eating Disorders

Zafra Cooper, DPhil, DClinPsych, Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Oxford, and adjunct professor of psychiatry at Yale Medical School, has been awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Academy of Eating Disorders. The award was presented at the Academy’s international conference in Washington, D.C. held June 1-3, 2023.

Read more here

Online Skills-Based CBT-E Clinical Workshop

Thursday 9th and Friday 10th May 2024
A two-day workshop for CBT-E practitioners

This online workshop is suitable for all CBT-E practitioners. It is focused on developing competence in implementing key procedures in CBT-E. It will include experiential elements with a particular focus on developing practical skills. It is designed to complement CREDO’s web-based training programme. It will comprise a small group of delegates.


Detailed guidance on each of the procedures below will be provided, as well as guidance on therapist style of delivering CBT-E. Please be prepared to participate in role-play in the context of a supportive environment.

– Creating a Collaborative Formulation
– Self-Monitoring
– Motivation
– Body Checking
– Feeling Fat
– Food Avoidance

Please note that the first day will be self-guided, without others, and involve watching pre-recorded videos and responding to reflective questions. This can be completed at a more convenient time if preferred and/or if time difference is a problem.

The videos should take approximately 2.5 hours to watch but please allow yourself extra time to complete the reflective questions and take breaks (suggested around 3.5 hours’ time). We advise that you watch the videos as close as possible to the second day of the workshop so that the material is fresh in your mind.

During the second day of the workshop we will discuss your responses to the reflection questions, respond to any additional questions, and engage in therapist/patient role play. which will be 09:30–14:30 GMT (UK time) online via Zoom.


Cost: £250
Format: Online

Please note: if there is not sufficient interest for a particular date, we may need to cancel that workshop. In that instance, we will offer you an alternative date, if available. If you do not wish to attend another date, we will refund your payment in full.

Please book early to avoid disappointment as spaces are limited.

For further details or booking information, please email:

A Young Person’s Guide to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Eating Disorders

Authors: Riccardo Dalle Grave, Simona Calugi

ISBN 9781032378985, 280 Pages

> 20% Discount Available – enter the code AFL03 at checkout
This code expires on 31 December 2023.

> Order from Routledge.
This book is available as a print or e-book.

Click here for more details


About the book

A Young Person’s Guide to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Eating Disorders is a state-of-the-art guide for young patients struggling with disordered eating based on enhanced cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT-E).
CBT-E is one of the most effective treatments for eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder, which has recently been adapted for adolescents. Written by two experienced clinicians and clinical researchers working daily with teenagers suffering from eating disorders, and their parents, this book offers an effective mix of theory and clinical expertise that will appeal to all readers. The volume starts with a presentation the most current facts on eating disorders. Part 2 then provides young with eating disorders a complete description—accompanied by clinical examples and helpful vignettes on how to implement the main CBT-E procedures.
While this book is specifically tailored for young people aged between 15 and 25 years with eating disorders treated with CBT-E, it will also be useful for all young persons affected by eating disorders, and clinicians using CBT-E with young patients.

About the authors

Riccardo Dalle Grave, MD, is Director of the Department of Eating and Weight Disorders at Villa Garda Hospital, Verona (Italy). He has co-developed CBT-E for adolescents with eating disorders, recommended by many international guidelines.
Simona Calugi, PhD, is Clinical Research Director of the Department of Eating and Weight Disorders at Villa Garda Hospital. He has co-developed CBT-E for adolescents with eating disorders.

CBT-E Masterclass

Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd March 2023

Presented by Dr Rebecca Murphy

Enhanced Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Eating Disorders
A two-day Skills Masterclass Workshop for CBT-E Practitioners.

Delivered over two, full days. Treacy Centre, Parkville, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA

  • Part 1: 9am – 4:30pm, Wed 01 March 2022 (AEDT)
  • Part 2: 9am – 4:30pm, Thurs 02 March 2022 (AEDT)

This workshop is suitable for CBT-E practitioners who already have knowledge of CBT-E and have experience in using it. It is focused on helping clinicians to master the delivery of key procedures in CBT-E by enhancing their knowledge and skills.

Register now:

CBT-E Guidance for the Holiday Season

CBT-E Guidance for the Holiday Season


This guide provides general advice for people with eating difficulties, and their friends and family, on how to cope over the holiday period. It is informed by the principles of CBT-E and associated self-help programmes (Overcoming Binge Eating and Digital CBTe).

Many people with eating difficulties find this time stressful for multiple reasons. While we hope this advice may be useful, please note that some generic advice might not apply to your individual circumstances. If you are under the care of a service or therapist, they may be able to give you more personalised advice.

1. Food related events

Buffets, meals out, festive foods, and big feasts can be anxiety provoking. On the other hand, they can present excellent opportunities to allow yourself to eat more flexibly! They are also occasions where food can be a social and enjoyable event. If you feel ready to join in, this may be a way of trying out eating with others rather than on your own. You may also feel able to plan to allow yourself to eat a wider range of foods and eat at more flexible times. Try to be compassionate to yourself even if you end up eating foods outside of your usual comfort zone. It may be difficult but remind yourself that you don’t need to compensate for eating differently or punish yourself.

Given the additional stress sometimes associated with this time of the year, you may decide that it is more helpful for you to stick to your usual routine of eating. If you are having a meal out, you may be able to look over the menu in advance to help you to feel more in control.  You can prepare in advance for ways to say “no” to social invitations that involve eating, or offers of food, if you choose to limit the number of occasions you want to commit to at this stage. Try to give yourself permission to put your own needs first and decline such invitations in whatever way is most supportive for you.

If you have an excess of food and it is stressful to be around it, then you might be able to freeze it, give it away or even throw some leftovers away. It may be worth remembering that drinking alcohol can often be unhelpful for a variety of reasons (e.g., negative effects on mood or inability to helpfully control eating at the time or the next day).

Give yourself permission not to feel obliged to buy food-related gifts for people over the holiday season, if you think this would add to your stress over this time.

2. Shape and weight related concerns

You may feel under extra pressure to be a certain weight or shape over the holiday period or the New Year and this could trigger increased body checking and comparison. Making a special effort to refocus your attention on other aspects of the holiday period which are unrelated to eating, shape and weight may be helpful. This might include deliberately planning activities related to hobbies or interests (either current ones or ones that have been recently neglected).

Try not to get caught up in New Year dieting pressure. Consider taking a social media break at the start of the New Year or making a commitment to yourself to only view and engage with non-shape and weight related material.

3. Coping with difficult events and feelings

The holiday season can bring up a variety of emotions. Intense emotions can make it harder to stick to eating in a way that is consistent with your plan for recovery or staying well. While experiencing these strong feelings can be distressing, this can also be a time to practice some of the more helpful ways of addressing or coping with difficult events and feelings e.g., proactive problem solving or ways of addressing difficult feelings that do not involve overeating or restricting eating (e.g., meditation, writing down your feelings, speaking to friends and family, listening to music, going for a walk etc.).

4. Labelling setbacks appropriately

Setbacks to progress are especially common at this time of the year. If you experience a “slip”, keep in mind all your hard work and progress so far. Remember that a slip does not mean you are back to square one. Rather than feel down about the setback, try to use this as a helpful opportunity to learn more about what to do differently to stay well in the future. Try to identify any triggers and put some of your tried and tested strategies back in place.


Supporting a loved one

Try to spend some time in advance of any celebrations talking with your friends or family members with concerns about eating.  Assk them about any worries they might have. Common fears include worries about the types of food and amount of food available, comments from other people (about eating or weight) and eating with other people. It may be possible to problem solve ways around this and adjust usual plans accordingly.

If conversations about eating and weight are needed and serious (e.g., you have concerns) it is better to have these conversations outside of mealtimes or family events. However well-intentioned, it is almost always unhelpful to make any comments about food, weight, or shape – even if not directed at the person with an eating disorder at all.

Comments about eating, weight or shape may also come from other friends or family members who may not know about the eating problem or how to help. Again, these may be well intentioned but can be interpreted negatively by someone with an eating problem. If you are supporting someone in their recovery, they may already have been coached in how to handle these comments, but you can also be there to provide extra support if needed.

Where possible, it is good to focus as much as possible on aspects of this season that are unconnected with eating and shape/weight (appearance). Having said this, if the person you are supporting would like to be involved in cooking or baking this can be a way of coming together and involving them.

If you are unsure whether a particular food-related activity would be helpful or unhelpful, it is often useful to have open communication with the person with an eating problem so that you can decide together what would be the best course of action. Doing this in advance can help you both to feel prepared.


Sources of help
(for people with eating problems or for friends and family)

If you are struggling with your eating, your GP is a potential source of help if needed or your therapist (if you have one).

Charities can also provide useful support for people experiencing eating problems or their family and friends e.g., Beat.


This guidance has been produced by members of the CBT-E Training Group &
Our CREDO Contributors

Online Skills-Based CBT-E Clinical Workshop

Thursday 8th and Friday 9th June 2023
A two day workshop for CBT-E practitioners

This workshop is suitable for all CBT-E practitioners. It is focused on developing competence in implementing key procedures in CBT-E. It will include experiential elements with a particular focus on developing practical skills. It is designed to complement CREDO’s web-based training programme. It will comprise a small group of delegates.


Detailed guidance on each of the procedures below will be provided, as well as guidance on therapist style of delivering CBT-E. Please be prepared to participate in role-play in the context of a supportive environment.

– Creating a Collaborative Formulation
– Self-Monitoring
– Motivation
– Body Checking
– Feeling Fat
– Food Avoidance

Please note that the first day will involve watching pre-recorded videos and responding to reflective questions, so this can be completed at a more convenient time if preferred and/or if time difference is a problem. The videos should take approximately two and a half hours to watch but please allow yourself extra time to complete the reflective questions and take breaks (suggested around 3 1/2 hours’ time). We advise that you watch the videos as close as possible in time to the second day of the workshop (Friday 29th) so that the material is fresh in your mind. We will discuss your responses to the reflection questions, respond to any additional questions, and engage in therapist/patient role plays during the second day of the workshop, which will be 09:30–14:30 GMT (UK time) online via Zoom.


Cost: £250
Format: Online

Please note: if there is not sufficient interest for a particular date, we may need to cancel that workshop. In that instance, we will offer you an alternative date, if available. If you do not wish to attend another date, we will refund your payment in full.

In the future, we plan to deliver this training face-to-face, however due to current world circumstances we are unsure when that will be possible.

Please book early to avoid disappointment as spaces are limited.

For further details or booking information, please email:

Advanced CBT-E Clinical Workshop 2021

Date for your diary!
4th & 5th November 2021, VIRTUAL

10am (UK Time) – 4.30pm (UK Time)

A two-day workshop for CBT-E practitioners
This workshop is primarily intended for those who have received basic training in CBT-E and have had experience implementing it.

Programme to Include

– Challenges & Opportunities for CBT-E in light of COVID-19
– CBT-E as a Unified Treatment Approach: transdiagnostic, multi-step and across the ages
– Using CBT-E with Young People
– CBT-E for Severe Anorexia Nervosa
– Assessing and Addressing Obstacles to Change in CBT-E
– Controlling Binge Eating and Weight in Binge Eating Disorder
– CBT-E Supervision

There will be presentations from other experienced practitioners of CBT-E. Further details to be confirmed.


Dr Riccardo Dalle Grave, The Villa Garda Eating Disorders Unit in Verona
Dr Simona Calugi, The Villa Garda Eating Disorders Unit in Verona
Dr Rebecca Murphy, The Centre for Research on Eating Disorders at Oxford

Additional speakers include:
Professor Zafra Cooper, Yale School of Medicine, United States
Dr Carine el Khazen, American Center for Psychiatry and Neurology, Dubai


Cost: Euro 290

 Further details to follow

For information:
Booking information: click here
Programme in pdf: download