Leicester Adult Eating Disorder Service, Leicester, UK
01242 634242
Professional Role(s) and qualifications (if relevant):
Eating Disorders ( CBT ) Therapist
Mental Health Nurse.
Training in CBT-E (if relevant):
CBT-E training and supervision by Fairburn (2004 – 2007)
Clinical Practice and Supervision (if relevant):
Particular interests in CBT for eating disorders, body image distress, BDD, OCD and trauma.
Research (if relevant):
I have been involved in the following research studies as CBT Therapist :
Hay P, Touyz S, Arcelus J, Pike K, Attia E, Crosby RD, Madden S, Wales J, La Puma M, Heriseanu AI, Young S, Meyer C. A randomized controlled trial of the compuLsive Exercise Activity TheraPy (LEAP): A new approach to compulsive exercise in anorexia nervosa. Int J Eat Disord. 2018 Aug;51(8):999-1004. doi:10.1002/eat.22920. Epub 2018 Jul 26. PubMed PMID: 30051623.
Fairburn CG, Cooper Z, Doll HA, O’Connor ME, Bohn K, Hawker DM, Wales JA, Palmer RL. Transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral therapy for patients with eating disorders: A two-site trial with 60-week follow-up. American Journal of Psychiatry 2009; 166: 311-319.