Please let us know if you wish to make a donation to research on CBT-E. We are working on several projects at the moment. One major project is detailed below:
Support for a Direct to Sufferer Online Treatment
We want good treatment to be immediately available to everyone who needs it. For this reason we are giving priority to the development of an online, direct-to-suffer, treatment (Digital CBTe) for people with eating problems. We would like this treatment to be cost-free. It is based on CBT-E. CREDO are most grateful to the Wellcome Trust for funding the development of Digital CBTe and its initial evaluation.
We are seeking donations (of any size) to let us expand and extend this initiative. The additional funds will be used for three purposes:
- To further evaluate the effectiveness of Digital CBTe
- To ensure that the treatment could be provided cost-free
- To translate the treatment into other languages to make it as widely available as possible
If you would like support this work please use the contact us form.
Thank you.