Royal Tunbridge Wells, UK
Professional Role(s) and qualifications:
Senior Clinical Psychologist, Lead Psychologist in Children and Young Persons NHS Eating Disorder Service
5+ years specialist ED
Training in CBT-E:
CBT online Credo training 2017
CBT-10 training – 2 days 2020-2021 purchased by Sussex Eating Disorder Service (SEDS)
CBT-E for Eating Disorders 2 day workshop – Sam Clark-Stone 2018
Maudsley CBT for Eating Disorders in Children and Young People 2018
Clinical Practice and Supervision:
I am experienced in working with children and young people, and adults with eating disorders, including Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, A-typical Anorexia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, OSFED/EDNOS. I am Health at Every Size informed and am passionate about helping people to thrive and build resilience in a world of diet culture and fat phobia, and motivated to support clinicians to reflect on their own experiences and biases relating to diet culture and fat phobia, and how this might show up in their clinical work with clients, including clinicians with lived experience of eating disorders, and to help clinicians to explore the experiences of fat phobia impacting on clients and their relationships to their bodies and recovery.
I have worked as a Senior Clinical Psychologist and Lead for Psychology in a busy NHS Eating Disorder service and work in private practice supporting those across the lifespan with eating disorders and eating related difficulties. I am skilled in using CBT-E, and CBT-E informed practice. I am additionally practiced in using therapy, and supporting supervision informed by a range of approaches beyond CBT-E including MANTRA, DBT/RO-DBT, chair work (Gestalt and Schema informed) and compassion focused approaches.