West Yorkshire and Harrogate Adult Eating Disorder Service Leeds, Leeds, UK
0113 85556400
Professional Role(s) and qualifications (if relevant):
Clinical Psychologist and BABCP Accredited CBT Therapist
Training in CBT-E (if relevant):
Online training
Clinical Practice and Supervision (if relevant):
I have used CBT-E in an IAPT setting and went on to use elements of CBT-E within an inpatient unit for women with eating disorders and complex co-morbidities. I am currently running a community-based CBT-E group for people with bulimia nervosa and also deliver CBT-E on an individual basis for people with more complex presentations.
Research (if relevant):
Brown, A., Jenkinson, R., Coakes, J., Cockfield, A., O’Brien, T., & Hall, L. (2018). Pathways to Recovery: Development and evaluation of a cognitive–behavioural therapy in-patient treatment programme for adults with anorexia nervosa. BJPsych Bulletin, 42(3), 95-101. doi:10.1192/bjb.2017.30