Bristol, UK
Professional Role(s) and qualifications:
Clinical Psychologist
Training in CBT-E:
CREDO web based training May-September 2016
CBT-E workshop January 2022
Clinical Practice and Supervision:
I am an experienced and compassionate HCPC registered clinical psychologist, with a specialism in eating disorders work including CBT-E. I have worked extensively with both adults and children affected by eating disorders (particularly anorexia/ restrictive eating disorders and bulimia presentations). I am a senior clinician in an NHS child and adolescent eating disorders team, offering assessment, psychological formulation, evidence based therapies including CBT-E, and clinical supervision to colleagues offering CBT-E. in my private practice, I offer CBT-E to adults affected by eating disorders (as I strongly believe children and adolescents need the support of a full multi-disciplinary team), as well as clinical supervision to other psychologists and therapists working in the field (including CBT-E supervision). I also offer support for a range of other issues including anxiety and self criticism, using CBT and other therapies such as compassion focussed therapy and systemic/narrative therapies.
I have a range of research interests in the eating disorders field including risk and protective factors for the onset of eating disorders, prevention, dieting, the experience of families, and outcomes of service models.
Langdon-Daly & Gravell (2021) Preventing admissions to Tier 4 Eating Disorder Units: What makes the difference? Short paper EDIC 2021
Langdon-Daly & Serpell (2017) Protective factors against the onset of eating disorders in family systems. Journal of Eating Disorders
Langdon-Daly, Mahony, Gilbert & Serpell (2016) Intermittent fasting diets and eating disorder symptoms. Poster presentation at EDIC 2016
Currently supervising doctorate thesis project on the experience of siblings of young people affected by eating disorders who go on to experience their own difficulties with eating.