Oxford, and locations in Birmingham, Twyford and Bicester
01865 920077
Professional Role(s) and qualifications:
There are several individuals specialising in the treatment of CBT-E at Oxford CBT, including clinical psychologists and cognitive behaviour therapists. All are accredited by BABCP (or are in the process of achieving full accreditation), and more information can be found on our website.
Training in CBT-E:
Practitioners receive regular supervision from experts in CBT-E and use the training website and manual to support delivery of CBT-E.
Clinical Practice and Supervision:
We offer outpatient treatment for all forms of eating pathology in adults, and work closely to the CBT-E model where indicated. At present, there is limited availability for supervision but please enquire if you are interested.
Some staff are active researchers and publish in the area of eating pathology generally, including evidence-based treatments. As a small clinic, we have limited resources for research activities.