Redlak Recovery Center, PLLC, 10801 Johnston Rd., Suite 217, Charlotte, NC 28226
Professional Role(s) and qualifications:
Redlak Recovery Center’s treatment team consists of a clinical psychologist, licensed professional counselors, and a registered dietician specializing in the treatment of eating disorders and related disorders.
Training in CBT-E:
Each member of the treatment team has been trained and receives on going supervision/mentoring by Angela Redlak-Olcese, Psy.D., CEDS-S. Some of the team members have completed the full online training or they are in the process of completing the online training.
Angela Redlak-Olcese, Psy.D., CEDS-S Training, Supervision in CBT-E
01/2018-current – Individual Monthly Supervision by CREDO senior researcher
Supervisor: Suzanne Bailey-Straebler, DPhil (PhD), MSN, PMHNP-BC
01/2012-01/2018 – Centre for Eating Disorder Research (CREDO), Oxford University Department of Psychiatry
Monthly supervision for the implementation of CBT-Enhanced protocol in private practice
Supervisor: Suzanne Straebler, DPhil (PhD), MSN, PMHNP-BC; Senior Research Clinician CREDO; Trial clinician and supervisor for developing, delivering and disseminating evidenced based treatments for eating disorders
05/2016 – Online Training for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Enhanced
Centre for Eating Disorder Research (CREDO), Oxford University
Department for Psychiatry-access granted thru supervision with Suzanne Straebler, Ph.D.
2013 – The Development of an Online Measure of Therapist Competence
Centre for Eating Disorder Research (CREDO), Oxford University, Department for Psychiatry
Description: Outpatient CBT-E trainee/subject in the development of an online measure (eMeasure) to assess therapists’ applied knowledge of Enhanced Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT-E)
Authors: Cooper Z., Doll H., Bailey-Straebler S., Kluczniok D., Murphy R., O’Connor ME., Fairburn CG.
11/2013 – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-Enhanced online competency test subject
Judged as clearly competent by developers based on score obtained per Suzanne Straebler
Developers: Zafra Cooper and Chris Fairburn, FMedSci, FRCPsych
11/2008 – The Renfrew Center Foundation Conference: Feminist Perspectives and Beyond: The Power of the Therapeutic
Relationships in the Treatment of Eating Disorders.
The Renfrew Center Foundation 19th Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA
Body Checking, Body Avoidance and Feeling Fat (Presentation)
Christopher Fairburn, DM, FRCPsych, FMedSci and Suzanne Straebler, APRN-Psychiatry, MSN
Clinical Practice and Supervision:
– Recovery Center, PLLC is dedicated to delivering research driven and evidenced based treatment in its pure form and mentoring the next generation of mental health professionals to provide this type of therapy. Redlak Recovery Center specializes in the treatment of eating, body image, Co-existing and related disorders.
– Clinical supervision, including clinical supervision in CBT-Enhanced, is provided for individuals that are a part of the Redlak Recovery Center treatment team.
– Clinical supervision is offered on a case by case basis for other providers.
Interested in the implementation of evidenced based research findings into clinical practice.