Tavistock clinic, London, 8 Bonnet Street, apt 45 Docker Building, E16 2RP
Professional Role(s) and qualifications:
Children’s wellbeing practitioner (qualified)
Trainee CBT therapist (CYP)
Training CBT-E:
I haven’t attended a specific training in CBT-E. In my current training as a trainee CBT we had an i troductory lecture on how to use CBT with ED.
Clinical Practice and Supervision:
Trainee CYP CBT
– Offering high intensity CBT evidence-based 1:1 interventions for children and young people with anxiety disorders and depression (Behavioural Activation, exposure and Psychoeducation applications, ERP, attention training, cognitive restructuring).
– Case formulation (longitudital and cross sectional).
– Conducting CAMHS assessments (incorporating the the SOCIAL GRACES framework) and offering personalised treatment plans.
– Conducting Neurodevelopmental screening for ASD/ADHD (developmental history, screening tools such as AQ, CAST, Connors).
– Crisis management.
– Monitoring progress using Routine Outcome Measures (RCADS, SDQ, SRS, PHQ9, ORS, GBO, Priority rating form )
– Summarising work in reports (Care plan letters, discharge letters).
– Signposting and referring young people and their families to other services and teams.
– Discussing cases in supervision and MDT meetings.
– Keeping clinical notes and a client record using the Carenotes database.
Qualified CWP
– Delivering Guided Self Help low intensity CBT evidence-based 1:1 interventions for children and young people with mild to moderate anxiety, depression and behavioural challenges. Using Behavioural Activation, Graded exposure and Psychoeducation applications.
– Conducting CAMHS assessments.
– Conducting Neurodevelopmental screening for ASD/ADHD (using SCQ, develomental history and family/school interviews).
– Facilitating the anxiety and Incredible Years Group.
– Conducting risk assessments and managing risk with safety plans agreed the young people and their families.
– Monitoring progress using Routine Outcome Measures (RCADS, SDQ, Session feedback questionnaire, GBO).
– Summarising work in reports (Care plan letters, discharge letters).
– Signposting and referring young people and their families to other services.
– Setting SMART goals with YP and/or their families.
– Discussing cases in supervision and MDT meetings.
– Keeping clinical notes and a client record under the EPJS database.
Interested in developing my CBT skills in the area of Eating disorders.