Av. des Nations-Unies 1410 Waterloo, Belgium
Professional Role(s) and qualifications:
Psychiatrists for 35 years, I have been involved in the implementation of evidence-based therapeutic techniques (nutritional, psychotherapeutic, psychosocial and pharmacological) in eating disorders. I have acquired expertise and have set up, within the framework of a pilot project of the SPF Public Health Belgium, the practice in a multidisciplinary team of first-line treatments recommended by most of the international guidelines both for adolescents (Family Based Therapy, FBT and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy – Enhanced, CBT-E) and for young adults and adults (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy – Enhanced, CBT-E).
Training in CBT-E:
Personnel training on the basis of the manual ‘Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Eating Disorders, Fairburn C. (2008)’ and more recently ‘Cognitive Behavior Therapy for adolescent with Eating Disorders, Dalle Grave R. and Calugi S. (2020)’.
Clinical Practice and Supervision:
Currently, I practise CBT-E and teach it in a training course (https://www.docteur-yves-simon.be/tcaformation-en-ligne/).
Smessaert E., Simon Y, Mothyl P. 2019. Case study of nonviolent resistance in family therapy: how to conceive parental authority nowadays. Revue Francophone de Clinique Comportementale et Cognitive. Volume XXIV, (3) 42–50.
Moussally J M, Grynberg D, Goffinet S, Simon Y, Van der Linden M. Novel Assessment of Own and Ideal Body Perception Among Women: Validation of the Computer-Generated Figure Rating Scale. August 2017. Cognitive Therapy and Research 41(4):632–644
Gelin Z, Cook-Darzens S, Simon Y, Hendrick S. Two models of multiple family therapy in the treatment of adolescent anorexia nervosa: a systematic review. Eat Weight Disord. 2015 Jul 31
Gelin Z, Fuso S, Hendrick S, Cook-Darzens S, Simon Y. The effects of a multiple family therapy on adolescents with eating disorders: an outcome study. Fam Process. 2015 Mar; 54(1): 160-72.
Gelin Z, Simon Y., Hendrick S. Comment donnons-nous sens à notre vécu d’événements significatifs de vie ? Illustration de la méthode IPA appliquée à l’analyse des processus de changement dans le cadre d’une thérapie multifamiliale. in Thérapie familiale (2015), 36,1, 133-148.
Gelin Z, Bzurovski J, Simon Y, Hendrick S, « Thérapie multifamiliale et rite de passage : quand l’appartenance à une communauté sociale soigne le lien familial » in Thérapie Familiale, (2014) 35, 4, 463-473
Van Leer M., Leistedt S.J., Linkowski P. et Simon Y, « Anorexie mentale : étude de la composition corporelle mesurée par impédancemétrie en cours d’hospitalisation ». Revue médicale de l’Université de Bruxelles. Volume 34 — nr 6 — (453-516) (décembre 2013).
Cserjési R, Vermeulen N, Luminet O, Marechal C, Nef F, Simon Y, Lénárd L. Explicit vs. implicit body image evaluation in restrictive anorexia nervosa. Psychiatry Res. 2010 Jan 30 ; 175 (1-2) : 148-53.
Simon Y. Épidémiologie et facteurs de risque psychosociaux dans l’anorexie mentale. Nutrition clinique et métabolisme 2007 ; 21 : 137-142
Vanheemelryck P, Simon Y, Linkowsky P. Le perfectionnisme dans l’anorexie mentale. Acta Psychiatrica Belgica 2002 ; 104 (2) : 103-108.
Mendlewicz L, Nef F, Simon Y. Selective Handling of Information in Patients Suffering from Restrictive Emotional Stroop Test and a Word Recognition Test. Neuropsychobiology 2001 ; 44 (2) : 59-64
Goffin C, Nef F, Simon Y. Thérapie cognitivo-comportementale appliquée aux distorsions du corps dans l’anorexie mentale. Acta Ergotherapeutica Belgica 2000 ; 1 : 28-31
Delvenne V, Goldman S, Simon Y, De Maertelaer V, Lotstra F. Brain hypometabolism of glucose in bulimia nervosa. Int J Eat Disord. 1997; 21 (4): 313-20
Delvenne V, Goldman S, Simon Y, De Maertelaer V, Luxen A, Lotstra F. Brain hypometabolism of glucose in anorexia nervosa : normalisation after. Biol Psychiatry 1996; 40(8): 761-8
Flament MF, Payan C, Simon Y, Venisse JL, Bailly D, Franck N, Jeammet P. Critères diagnostiques de la boulimie : réévaluation et propositions à partir d’une population de 539 cas. Revue Epidémiologique et de Santé Publique 1994 ; 41 : 327-336.
Simon Y. Food preferences in obesity. Rev. Med Brux. 1994; 15 (4): 259-61.
Simon Y, Bellisle F, Monneuse MO, Samuel-Lajeunesse B, Drewnowsky A. Taste responsiveness in anorexia nervosa. British Journal of Psychiatry 1993; 162: 244-6.
Simon Y, Criquillion-Doublet S, Hummel P, Divac Pavlovic S, Samuel-Lajeunesse B. Diagnosic évaluation of patients with eating disorders. Psychiatry: A world perspective 1990; 1 :659–663. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
Simon Y, Wery C, Divac S, Criquillion-Doublet S, Samuel-Lajeunesse B. LENTCA: nosographic evaluation software for alimentary disorders. Ann Med Psychol 1989; 147 (7): 756-61. French
Criquillion-Doublet S, Simon Y, Samuel-Lajeunesse B. Value of nutritional diversification in the treatment of eating disorders. Ann Med Psycholo 1989; 147 (1): 84-6. French