
How to get CBT-E supervision

To enquire about CBT-E supervision please contact us at

How to get training for supervision in CBT-E

To enquire about training for CBT-E supervision contact us at

Supervison and drift

We recommend having regular supervision in CBT-E to help to reduce the risk of therapeutic drift. If you cannot find a supervisor who has CBT-E expertise, then, as a minimum, seek out other colleagues for peer supervison. [Please note that this is not the same as the clinical supervision required for practising safely and meeting regulations – here we are referring to supervision for the therapy itself].

When one is learning CBT-E, it is advisable to follow the guidelines for delivering treatment closely. Once you are more experienced in CBT-E, the therapist should make a conscious effort to maintain, even after many years, fidelity to the treatment guidelines. The best CBT-E therapist uses the treatment guide and training opportunities on an ongoing basis, is proud to implement the treatment well and to help others do the same, follows treatment guidelines with care and treats each case as a new challenge.