Mitchell Elizabeth

  Twickenham, UK

Clients seen:
I work entirely privately. I see adults and adolescents with all types of eating disorders especially Anorexia, Bulimia, EDNOS .

Professional Training:
Clinical psychologist-38 years in practice. Previously Head of therapy at Huntercombe Hospital, Maidenhead with 20 inpatient adolescents with Anorexia, Trained at St George’s under professor Crisp and with Chris Fairburn. I have worked in most eating disorder units-West Middlesex , Vincent Square, The Schoen Clinic Chelsea,The Charter Nightingale Hospital, The White House for SEEDs.

I attend the International Conference of Eating Disorders regularly.

I have been engaged in Family therapy with Adolescents for 30 Years.

Training in CBT-E:

Face-to-face workshop:
Masterclass for Mantra -Kings College 6/12/2018
Faculty for ED 27/11/2014
Mentalisation and Ed 27/03/2014-Sheffield Ed Service
ED -Kate Tchanturia -Maudsley -Kings College
CBT for ED -Vicki Mountford SLAM IOP 2012
Helen Kennerly-Intro to CBT Oxford.
Rachel Bryant Waugh – BPS DCP.